The Sonographers & Co

At De Geboortezaak we perform ultrasounds at all locations. Our experienced sonographers are waiting for you.

Githa Kelder

Githa Kelder


Energetic | mother of 3 sons | taking nice pictures | trustworthy | enthusiastic

Miranda Vosselman

Miranda Vosselman


Skilled | always active | athletic | chocolate | go-getter

Philine Ravesloot

Philine Ravesloot


Maternity leave

Evelien Brons

Evelien Brons


Passionate about my work | funny | spinning | good wine | empathic | mother of 2 | athletic | summer!

Joëlle Blokland

Joëlle Blokland


Optimistic | mother of a daughter | nature lover | beautiful job | faith, hope & love | creative

Babette Mooij

Babette Mooij

Ultrasound technician
Chantal van Irsen

Chantal van Irsen


Conviviality | passionate about my job | working hard | dark chocolate | salty liqourice | sun and 30 degrees | sauna | 3 children | involved

Brenda Zorge

Brenda Zorge


Passion for my job| social | having diners with friends and family | mother of a son | mountainbiking in the woods

Ingrid Jansen

Ingrid Jansen

Administrative employee

Pillar of strength for our teams | numerically | sushi | family | mother | dog